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Data Privacy Compliance & Digital Law
 Corporate Law, M&A and Commercial Contracts

Compliance with the data privacy requirements and legislation (the EU data privacy regulation). Advice in Information Technnology matters in aligment with the lastest technology trends, including e-commerce, contracting on-line, digital business legalization, internet law and IT/SaaS agreements.

Legal support and advice in relation to corporate transactions and M&A. Legal advice and consulting in corporate matters related to the day to day business contributing with legal solutions tailored to their needs, such as, company incorporation, joint ventures, and, shareholders agreements corporate transactions. Resolution shareholders conflicts. Legal defense of shareholders and directors liability. 


Experts in agency, distribution and franchise agreements. Legal defense of companies and commercial agents in agency matters. 

Intellectual Property and Trademarks

"In Company" Legal Services

Legal advice in the protection and defense of your intellectual property rights. Advice in the selection, registration and defense of your intellectual property rights. 

Services provided "on site" to cover your continuing legal needs or for specific projects in your company. Ask for more information

© 2015 Belen Martin Rial / Lexley Worldwide. All rights reserved.

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Abogados de protección de datos personales en Barcelona 

Abogados para nuevas tecnologías en Barcelona

Abogados para contratos y transacciones internacionales en Barcelona 

Abogados para derecho mercantil societario Barcelona

Abogados para resolución de conflictos entre socios

Abogados para contratos de distribución, agencia y franquicia

Abogados para inversiones e inmobiliario en Barcelona

Abogados para big data, Fintech, blockchain y outsourcing en Barcelona

Abogados para consumo y retail en Barcelona

Abogados para moda en Barcelona

Abogados para turismo, ocio, hostelería y restauración en Barcelona

Abogados startups Barcelona

Abogados propiedad intelectual Barcelona

Abogados para registrar marcas

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